Websites Referring to the 98th

Below I will list links to other websites where I have found interesting articles about the 98th.

State Colors – 98th PA Regimental Flags

• The regiment received their first state color sometime after December 9, 1861. The flag was retired from service in February 1864 when it was left in Harrisburg during the regiment’s furlough.
• The regiment received their second state color after they returned to Virginia in March 1864 after a furlough.

Honor Volley
• The PA 98th served as Honor Volley for Col. Edwin A. Glenn, Commander of the 198th PVI
(Which, if I understand correctly, is the firing of rifles in honor of military personnel who have passed.)


Pennsylvania Archives:
(Confused? Don’t mind this stuff—this is for my researching reference!)

Item #465: Records relating to Company G, 98
th Regiment PV, 1862-1865
Includes muster and descriptive rolls, general orders and other items.
Some other companies of the 98th included.

Carton 76
97th Regiment, 98th Regiment, 1861-1866
Note: A1404090 // Other Information: 14 4041

Carton 77
98th Regiment, 99th Regiment, 1861-1866
Note: A1404093 // Other Information: 14 4044

98th Regiment Infantry Pennsylvania Volunteers, April 1, 1863-June 16, 1865 (1 volume)
Alternate Format: Digital scans are available.
Note: A1105439 // Other Information: 11 4089


Here’s a fun timeline referring to the charge down Little Round Top at Gettysburg:

  • 6:55 – 7:00 pm – Gibbs’ 3rd battery section moves up from a reserve position and joins Gibbs’ 2nd section just to the N of LRT. The 98th PA (Nevin’s brigade, Wheaton’s division, 6th Corps) has somehow gotten well in front of the rest of the brigade and arrives early and eager to fight taking a position amongst the regiments in McCandless’ line. A strong continuous line of infantry and artillery now exists across the western face of LRT, and the 6th Corps brigades have yet to arrive.
  • 7:05 – 7:15 pm – Down in front of the Union line on LRT they can see a massive line of surging Rebels pushing everything in their path out of the Wheatfield. Day’s regiments, soon to be followed by Burbank’s (both Ayres’ division, 5th Corp) begin streaming up the west face of LRT impeding the firing lines of the Union infantry and artillery on the crest of the slope. The expended Rebel line comes to a halt at the base of LRT.
  • 7:10 – 7:20 pm – As the massed Confederate units of Semmes and Kershaw (McLaws’ division, Longstreet’s Corps) reach the banks of Plum Run at the foot of LRT and threaten Gibbs’ battery section, the impetuous 98th PA R fixes bayonets and charges thru the L of McCandless’ line down the face of LRT.
  • 7:25 – 7:30 pm – McCandless’ PA Reserves follow the lead of the 98th PA, charging down LRT’s western slope and triggering the withdrawal of Semmes and Kershaw. Meanwhile Day and Burbank have reformed their respective brigade lines back up on the crest of LRT. While fighting will continue in front of LRT on Houck’s Ridge and in the Wheatfield for a little while longer, sunset is at 7:41 pm this day, the fighting on LRT is virtually over.

For the full text visit: